Best Build Prop Tweaks Codes
The Build Prop Tweaks which will help you out to install best function on your devices such as faster your booting speed increase your internet speed and much more.
Let me tell you an example :
Suppose if you are using any of your Android devices. In your Android, there is no navigation bar. Now accidentally you drop your Android device. Now, at this situation your buttons are not working. With the help of build prop, you can add navigation bar on your screen easily on your Android device.
You have to make sure that you don’t brick your Android device. While doing any changes on your Android device. You have to play safe if you have to play with build prop.
If you will add up this code on your Android device. Then you have to restart your Android device. To make your device to run those code. This is really very simple and easy if you follow up this guide properly then you will be able to run those codes. So let’s get started how can you apply those codes on your Android device.
This the list of best buildprop tweak in this app :
1.Better RAM management
2.Improves audio and video recording quality
3.Faster streaming videos
4.Video acceleration and HW debugging debugcompositiontype can also be changed to cpu or mdp
5.Disables built in error reporting
6.Better net speeds
7.Saves power
8.3G tweaks
9.Disables logcat
10.Screen recognizes only two fingers
11.Support for ipv4 and ipv6
12.Phone rings immediately
13.Disables blackscreen issue after a call
14.Better scrolling
15.Better signal
16.Better call voice quality
17.Better signal
18.Faster boot
19.Disables error checking
20.Dalvik Virtual Machine tweaks
21.Disables locating
22.Disables sending of usage data
23.Better image quality, lower performance
24.Disable notification while adb is active
25.Change LCD density
26.MMS APN retry timer set to 2 sec
27.Key lights stay on while screen is on
28.Disable strict mode checking
29.buildprop tweaks for improved performance
30.buildprop tweaks for battery life
Android is open source so what does the users and developers do is the just check for the system codes. Which will suit best in every Android smartphone? So today we are sharing the Build Prop Tweaks for your Android device. This tweak works on every Android device. It will work absolutely fine in Android versions such as jelly bean, KitKat, Lollipop and Marshmallow.
The thing is that if you are having any rooted Android device. So this tweak will work absolutely fine. Every user can do editing. But while editing you have to make sure that you do proper editing or else it will lead to brick your Android device. Then you have to Install custom ROM on your Android device. You can easily increase the bootup time of your Android. Increase sound and much more.
thanks to (BRAVONOVA) on XDAdevelopers